... a toxic and stressful one...
Every night I am studying and doing some school stuffs- requirements that never seem to end...
Every night I am studying and doing some school stuffs- requirements that never seem to end...

But even though my life's like that and even though at times I feel like giving up, God has always been there for me, strengthening me and giving me reasons to fight... =)
Earlier this morning, God's message for me is to face problems with joy. He wants me to know that I have him in my life so I should not be discouraged... every challenge brings a lesson that will make me stronger... =)
If you guys also face challenges, please pray to God and give him all your worries. Ask him for wisdom...
Get your Bible and read James 1: 2-8... It will help you look at your problems in a very different way... =)
Chocolates!!! my ultimate comfort food! =D
God bless everyone... =D