Turning Point

“’Do not be worried and upset,’ Jesus told them. ‘Believe in God and believe also in me.’” John 14:1

“...the path you walk may be dark indeed, but trust in the Lord, rely on your God.” Isaiah 50:10

“I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.” Philippians 4:13

The three Bible verses above are my ‘sources of strength’ whenever I feel down and discourage. It is very nice to know that God is always there helping me and guiding me through difficulties. I feel grateful for the problems and trials that come because God knows that I will be able to get through them with the guidance of His Holy Spirit. God knows that I am strong enough to handle those kinds of situations. And whenever I am on the point of giving up, He will immediately hold me, comfort me and give me peace. I have experienced a lot of comforting from Him. And I am very thankful. Though sometimes I sinned against Him, still He never gave up on me. I know I have His constant love, His grace and His mercy. God is really good.

From now on, I want to live not for myself or for other people but only for God. With Jesus and the Holy Spirit as my guide, I pray that I will be able to show God’s love... =) In Jesus’ name, I declare His holy presence to be with me so that I will be able to spread God’s word to others. May the Holy Spirit guide me.