Tough Week

I’ll soon have a very challenging week or weeks in school. Exams and numerous requirements are coming my way! With so little time to do such many things, I’m not sure if I will still be sane by the end of the semester. School works stress me out especially if they’re all due on the same dates. Gaah!

Because of these school things, I don’t have time for myself and for my friends. I missed a lot of good movies. I missed hanging out with my friends. Poor lady! I don’t even have time to go to the mall to buy stuffs for myself, or even surf the net without any time limits. I miss the laid-back days!

Anyway, enough of the drama because I’ll buy a new phone! =D My SE gave up on me. I’ll try Samsung Omnia Pro. It has a lot of good reviews and it’s less expensive. =) I want to try Samsung Jet or Monte but because they’re full touch screen, I’m afraid they might not last long and break eventually, say after one year? So yeah, Omnia Pro for me. =)

Okay guys... I have to go... Here are some recent snapshots...

God bless you all! =)