Hello friends! =)
There were no classes last Tuesday so my college friends and I went to Divisoria, Tutuban Center Mall and 168 Mall to look for cute and cheap prizes for our project ('quiz' bee)... After our trip to 168 Mall, we went to Bambang to buy test tubes and other laboratory stuffs for school...
It was very tiring but I had fun... =) I also bought few accessories... =)
There were no classes last Tuesday so my college friends and I went to Divisoria, Tutuban Center Mall and 168 Mall to look for cute and cheap prizes for our project ('quiz' bee)... After our trip to 168 Mall, we went to Bambang to buy test tubes and other laboratory stuffs for school...
It was very tiring but I had fun... =) I also bought few accessories... =)

=) I want to go back there soon...
Tomorrow, Ghem (my high school friend) and I will watch Harry Potter 7... Weeeh! I am excited! =D
God bless you guys! =)