Hello there folks!
How's life?
Classes will start soon! Ours will start on June 14. I'm not yet ready though. =/ How about you guys? When will yours start? And are you ready to face new challenges? =D
Anyway, since internship ate my summer vacation, I spent most of my free days at home reading eBooks. I read Vampire Diaries: The Awakening, The Struggle, The Fury and The Return: Nightfall. I skipped The Dark Reunion because I find it boring. =/ I also read Erich Segal's Love Story, Jo Leigh's Going For It, Alexandra Potter's You're the One I Don't Want, Random Acts of Heroic Love, Cecilia Ahern's If You Could See Me Now, Nicholas Sparks' Safe Haven and Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love. I personally love Random Acts of Heroic Love because it somehow teaches the reader how to move on with life and how things can be achieved if only one is determined. And if you're into the 'war' genre, i.e. World War 2 and the like, you'll enjoy reading this book. I also love Eat Pray Love. Reading this book made me want to go to Italy and eat, eat, eat. And of course, I enjoyed Safe Haven too because it was Nicholas Sparks'. That's enough reason. =)
Currently, I'm reading Cecilia Ahern's There's No Place Like Here. =)

Now let's go to my mini haul
First is the Jellies gloss tints in Strawberry Milkshake. I bought this from a Tupperware dealer. If I remember it correctly, this costs 79 pesos. I know, cheap! And it smells great! =)
I also bought St. Ives Apricot Scrub and Kojie San Soap. I've been reading good reviews about this soap, so I gave it a try. =)

Gray Cropped Top from Penshoppe.

And finally, Meg Magazine. I love Anne Curtis so I bought this! =)
That's all folks! =D
God bless everyone!