Saturday Blahs

Happy Saturday folks!

I just want to post something because I am soooo bored. I'm still not in the mood to do my Microbiology homework and study for my other pharmacy subjects. =/

Anyway, I want to show you guys my UP CP Centennial "magic mug."
It's initially black...

And when it's filled with hot water, or any hot liquid, it will turn white and show the UP CP logo =)

It'll turn to black once the liquid has decreased its temperature... =)

Haha! Moving on, I bought a new rubber shoes a while ago. =)

This is what I wore. Sorry for the low quality pics. My camera is still broken. =(

I miss my camera... =(


Okay guys, have to go... It's time to be PRODUCTIVE!!! =)

God bless you all.

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